The IATSE Local #476 Women’s Committee exists to provide female members with a support group, within the local, to help them with their career path and goals. While our main focus is making sure female members are getting the support they need, the Women’s Committee is also dedicated to providing all #476 members with educational, networking and outreach opportunities. The success of our Union, our workplace, and our community at large depend on members getting involved and helping each other grow.

Saba Favors Headshot

Saba Favors

Women’s Committee co-chair

Christy Taddeo Headshot

Christy Taddeo

Women’s Committee co-chair


To teach and distribute important information to all members, which helps strengthen our union as a whole.

  • Anti-Harassment Education
  • Intersectional Feminism and Anti-Racism Education
  • Women’s Health Issues
  • Leadership Skills
  • Wage Disparity and Negotiating Skills
  • Ally Support
  • Union and Labor Organizing Education


To provide opportunities for all members to become more engaged.

  • Political Activism- ‘Get out the Vote,’ and phone banking campaigns. Attend political rallies.
  • Community Outreach- give back to the neighborhoods where we film, and spread the word that good union jobs exist here.
  • Mentorship Goals- help new #476 members connect with experienced members.

To provide opportunities for members to build bonds outside of the workplace.